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Lead Elementary PTA Newsletter


September 4, 2023

Kindness in Progress - Welcome to our Raise Craze Fundraiser!

This is a unique way for us to raise money for our school while making an impact in our community. During this fundraiser, students ask friends and family for donations via the online Raise Craze platform while paying it forward serving others. What a great way for us to teach our students the importance of kindness and gratitude while raising much needed funds. Students will spend time serving, not selling!

Registration Link:

  1. Enter your student’s name

  2. Select at least 3 Acts of Kindness

  3. Enter 5-10 email addresses of potential supporters. Raise Craze will send all emails, reminders and thank you notes. Emails will never be shared with third parties or used for marketing.

At A Glance:

  • Dates: September 1 - September 29

  • Our Goal: $10,000

  • School-Wide Service Projects: We're going to be doing good deeds in our community by participating in the Bayfront Cleanup at Ryder Park, Saturday, September 16th. Look for more information on how to sign up at Back to School Night.

Every student can participate in Raise Craze by completing Acts of Kindness (AOK) so we’re aiming for 100% participation.

Why are we doing Raise Craze for our annual school fundraiser? We want to continue to make our school a better place by providing helpful and enriching benefits to our students & families, but that takes money! We’ve chosen Raise Craze to help with these needs because it keeps kindness and inclusivity at the center, while allowing our school to keep 90% PLUS! Woo Hoo!

Need help getting started? Check out the Raise Craze Instructional Video at or contact Laura Long at


Multicultural Night!

Lead Elementary PTA Invites you to our Multicultural Family Night Friday, September 22 from 5:30 to 7:30 in the LGI.

Multicultural Night is an event for families to showcase and celebrate the diverse cultures that make up Lead Elementary School.

Everyone is welcome to participate by attending the event, hosting a table, sharing food, or volunteering. Culture is not limited to other countries. You can showcase regional culture such as your home state, region (like the Pacific Northwest), or LGBTQ Pride.


PTA Meeting

Come join us for the first PTA meeting of the new school year! Learn more about what we are planning for the year and how you can get involved. We'll be reviewing our budget, calendar of events, and asking for approval on changes to our by-laws. In addition, we will also be presenting a special topic about a CalKids program to help underserved youth to start planning to pay for college.

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 850 0185 2211 Passcode: 467132 One tap mobile +16699009128,,85001852211# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,85001852211# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 850 0185 2211 Find your local number:


Mark Your Calendar

  • 9/1 - 9/29 Raise Craze Fundraiser

  • 9/6 PTA Meeting

  • 9/7 Back to School Night - Fingerprinting for volunteers & Kona Ice

  • 9/14 Fall Picture Day - Volunteers Needed!

  • 9/16 Bayfront Cleanup at Ryder Park

  • 9/22 Multicultural Night

  • Check out our updated website! is where you can always go to find out about upcoming meetings and events and other important information. Content translated into Spanish and Portuguese.

  • Volunteer Opportunities! You can always find the latest volunteer opportunities by going directly to our SignUpGenius website.

  • Friends of Lead PTA Facebook Group Stay connected with the latest information by joining the Friends Of Lead PTA Facebook group.



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